Under the auspices of the head of the department, Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Ibrahim Allawi, and under the supervision and organization of the teachers of the architectural design subject, teacher Dr. Anwar Fadel, assistant teacher Karrar Nazim, assistant teacher Alaa Abdel Hamid, Sabreen Karim, Zahraa Haider, Saja Fadel, and Taghreed Jabbar, students presented The second stage in the Department of Architecture Engineering is a residential house project within the requirements for projects at the end of the first semester. The site represents an expansion of the first project, which is located on the Najaf-Karbala road near the ancient Khan al-Nakhila.
This project contributes to training students to deal with job challenges in the most important project that an architect deals with after graduation in the labor market, which is the residential house, as it is a project that is in direct contact with the person and his social life